Minecraft: Master Collection
Image: Microsoft
Brand new Minecraft collection for the Xbox One
The Master Collection is the latest of Minecraft's releases and celebrates all things Marketplace! The new collection, which is available to buy today, comes with a bundle of handpicked items from the store: skin packs, maps, mini-games and even a bonus bundle of Minecoins to spend on anything else in the store.
We're really excited that two of our favourite maps have been chosen for this collection! Adventurer's Dream is a Mash-up pack which means as well as being a full adventure with dungeons and an epic finale, it also has a full fantasy texture pack included and five themed skins. Winter Mini-Games Festival is filled with custom mobs, models and of course, mini-games! Explore the festival and challenge your friends to mini-golf, sledding and elytra courses.
What is included in the Master Collection?
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
Starter Pack: Greek Mythology Mash-up, Plastic Texture Pack, Skin Pack 1, and Villains Skin Pack
Creators Pack: Adventurer’s Dream Mash-up and Winter Mini-Games Festival by Noxcrew, Relics of the Privateers by Imagiverse, PureBDcraft Texture Pack by BDcraft, Pastel Skin Pack by Eneija, and Wildlife: Savanna by PixelHeads
1,000 Minecoins
What should I buy with my Minecoins?
With so many community creators now on board, the choices are endless. The Master Collection is a great way to try a little bit of everything, but there's still plenty more to discover on the store. We've put together a list of some of our favourite Noxcrew releases that we personally think are the best that Minecoins can buy!
DestructoBot 5000
DestructoBot 5000 was one of Noxcrew's first releases onto the store and is definitely one of a kind. It's one of our most played maps and has been a favourite of some big Minecraft YouTubers. If you enjoy explosions and boss fights, this could be the map for you! 830 Minecoins
Tiny Footprints
If you love texture packs, then look no further. Created in-house by one of our artists, Tiny Footprints is a 8x8 take on Minecraft with a beautifully simple colour scheme and super cute mobs (even the scary ones)! This pack can transform your survival world and is perfect for smaller screens if you also play on a mobile device. 660 Minecoins
Elf Patrol
If you're on the lookout for a mission that's a little more lighthearted than saving the world from a robo-alien invasion, then Elf Patrol might be the map for you! With a full story line, voice acting and missions to complete, this is definitely one of our favourites. It's definitely a re-playable adventure despite the festive theme! 830 Minecoins
Dropper of Horrors
A favourite of content creators over on Minecraft: Java Edition, dropper maps have made their way onto Bedrock! Dropper of horrors is a ten-tunnel dropping experience with three original spooky stories and collectables to find on your way down. A fantastic map to play with friends. 660 Minecoins
World of Horses
If survival is more your speed then we have just the map for you. World of Horses is a survival spawn created especially for players who are looking for a new place to start their next survival adventure. With courses, trails and stables all across different biomes, this is a horse enthusiast's dream! 310 Minecoins
If you'd like to see more about our current Bedrock maps then click here to visit our creations page! To find out more about the Master Collection itself and how to get your hands on it, click the button down below.