June Roundup
On June 1st of 2017 the Minecraft Marketplace officially opened its doors to the public and as many of you know, we at Noxcrew were one of the first teams invited to share the content that we designed for the Bedrock community. Since then, we've released 4 survival spawns, 4 skin packs, 1 texture pack, a mash-up pack and a whopping 11 adventure maps, including four fantastic mini-games festivals and most recently an underwater adventure that paired perfectly with the release of Update: Aquatic.
The opening of the marketplace gave us as a team the opportunity to return to the map making scene after our final Minecraft Java release in 2016, Terra Swoop Force. One year later, we now have a fantastic group working full time to create content for Bedrock Edition, including builders, artists and a whole host of other talented people who work together to make sure that our maps are the greatest that they can be! If you want to get to know our team a little better, head over to our About Us page. Who knows, maybe you'll be on there some day!
Last week, Noxite and Avondale took a break from map making and streaming to take some of the team on a trip over to the US to visit the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington. MeWulf, Arsenic, Skywalker and LaurenJuliet joined them for the trip which included discussions about the map making scene and lots of socialising with the fellow Marketplace partners such as Pathway Studios, Imagiverse and the amazing Jigarbov! There was even time for a quick guided tour around the Minecraft offices where we bumped into the fabulous Minecraft team. But the boys didn't manage to avoid streaming entirely... On Monday afternoon they appeared live on twitch.tv/minecraft in the Minecraft streaming lounge and played a little Spring Mini-Games Festival to round out the week. You can watch the whole stream below!
So what happens next?

Right now we're focussing on bringing all of our old maps up to date with recent features. Adventurer's Dream has recently been updated with additional textures, a new dungeon as well as a few fixes, and pretty soon we're going to be adding a couple of nice new features to our two original Survival Spawns, Fallen Keep and Dustville too. Keep an eye out on our social media for updates! If you haven't played any of our original content, click on the images to find out more, or hop straight on over to the Bedrock store to get hold of them.
To top it all off, we're on the verge of bringing you a brand new map series that we've made with creative types in mind! I won't say too much as I wouldn't want to spoil it, but keep an eye out next week for the first in our very cool new series of maps.
Thanks for celebrating one year of the marketplace with us! What's your favourite map from the Minecraft marketplace? Comment down below, maybe we've played it too!