How to say 'Hello'


Hi Noxcrew Community!

We’re back under the iron fist of Noxite once again and he’s really cracking the whip!

Par for the course, code name: DVD is still in its build phase, with the team moving on to the second part of the map, allowing e_mouse to flex his terraforming muscles and create some incredible terrains for us to host this exciting adventure in! The entities and textures are also coming along nicely, with some very interesting looking enemies taking shape, none of which I can show you right now without spoiling a few things, sorry. I can give you a small shot of emouse’s beautiful world building though, just to give you a hint on what we’re up to :)

While all that’s going on, we’ve had some small bits of progression on ‘InterestinglyFreakyWomen’ particularly in the voice acting department, where were finally getting audio into the map, after some ‘minor’ disagreements about how someone says ‘hello’ (that is honestly the level of detail we go into when creating these map, a 10 minute discussion about ‘hello’) We’ll be diving back into this project completely sometime next week, once were a little further into DvD so I’ll have more information for you then!

Finally, as we get ever closer to the release of City Living, I’ve had requests to reveal the price of the map ahead of time. While it's not something we usually do, ask and you shall receive, I can announce that City Living will hit the store at 1340 Minecoins. Being one of, if not the biggest map we've made, we’ve chosen to value it a little higher than the other creative toolboxes, purely for the sheer amount of stuff that’s going on in there! I hope you’re all excited, can’t wait to release it into the wild for you all to enjoy!

And that's your lot! Thanks for bearing with us last week during one of our quieter moments (everyone needs a chill day sometime) but were back on track and with so many cool things in the pipeline I can promise some exciting adventures in the future!

Have a great week!
