20 things you might have missed in Monsters of the Deep!


Released in 2018 as a prequel to our 2015 map, Terra Swoop Force, you might have enjoyed Monsters of the Deep as an aquatic adventure, battling against dangerous creatures to restore power to an underwater base. But look closely, and you might find that there’s more to this map than meets the eye.

So join us once again as we dive into Monsters of the Deep and maybe teach you a few things you didn’t know about!

Number 1

The facility uses the same GDL logo found in Barney and Minowski’s drill. This is because the facility was built and ran before GDL updated its logo with the announcement of the Terra Swoop Force and the Thermal Flight Armour 1541.

Number 2

Noxcrew are known for taking new Minecraft features and creating maps to showcase what they can do. Terra Swoop Force was initially planned as a showcase for the 1.15.4 Elytra update. Monsters from the Deep is no exception. It was initially designed as a showcase for update aquatic which was released with the 1.4.1 Bedrock update. We even designed the ecology wing to be a museum of sorts for all of UA’s exciting new items!

Number 3

Sasha still has red shoes.

Number 4

The reason Monsters from the Deep was initially released without the Noxesium ending? The update was split between 1.4 and 1.5, so the map was divided with it to include all of the new features. You can read what got added in the introductory book at the beginning of the map!

Number 5

If you open Barney and Minowski’s locker in the suit room, you’ll find that it has a flower in it. This is GDL’s way to commemorate their loss, even after all these years.

Number 6

If you look at the floor of the base, you can see tubes running from the central power station. Each time you power up a generator, a tube lights up unlocking another wing! The same tubes unlock the scuba suits.

Number 7

Stan appears to be working at the underwater facility and took all of the channelling enchantment books, claiming he was using them for research. However, if you go to his locker and read his log, you’ll discover he actually sold them off to build a bouncy castle. What a guy…

Number 8

The Relaxation and Development wing used to be called the Dolphin Relaxation area.

Number 9

At the end of each boss fight, you can find a map to a special hidden golden chest which holds the last couple of coins to unlock the suits.

Number 10

The Big Claw Crab is so big that it can hit players through glass blocks. This is why there is an orange line around his cage warning the scientists not to get too close to the exhibit.

Number 11

There’s a blocked toilet in the ecology wing. If you swim around the facility and look into that cubicle, you’ll see a scientist hiding in there!

Number 12

As you power up the facility, more scientists can get back to work. Some of them have some very familiar voices…

Number 13

The 3 tunnels have different tinted water. The Shipwreck tunnel has deep blue water, the coral tunnel has light blue water, and the lava tunnel’s water is tinted slightly red. This was made possible by changing the tunnels biomes and altering its natural water tint

Number 14

You can choose to release the dolphins in the R&D department into the wild, or you can keep them caged up for your own amusement, you monster.

Number 15

If you go to the very top floor of the ecology wing, you’ll find a small research desk and 2 chests. In each of these chests are chapters of Dr Wulf Motivational Philosophies, the same book that Dr Barney ate at the centre of the earth in Terra Swoop Force!

Number 16

In Monsters of the Deep, you fight a vicious shark clad in armour made of a rotting shipwreck. Later in the timeline, in TSF you briefly see a shark with no armor around it, floating about looking dim and clueless. Coincidence?

Number 17

Monsters of the Deep’s final scuba suit, the rainbow suit, is a reference to the super-secret unicorn suit in Terra Swoop Force. It is unlocked at the end of the world after the player collects all of the hidden Noxesium chunks.

Number 18

Despite being a fan favourite, Isaac aka Epic_Landlord doesn’t like the Fishy Game song and hates whenever anyone plays or references it.

Number 19

On the wall of the Relaxation and Development wing, you can find the names of all the Noxcrew members who helped to make the map!


Number 20

Alan has a love letter in his locker. Is it from an admirer or is it for someone else…?